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A Doula Tribe



DOSA is an umbrella community of doulas in South Africa that promotes, develops and supports doulas and the doula profession. A doula will have opportunities to increase her knowledge and skills, network with fellow doulas, register with medical aids as a service provider, receive business and personal support, as well as opportunities to attend workshops, training and advanced training through DOSA and its associates.


We at DOSA understand that one of the most basic and important needs of the birthing woman is to feel safe and secure, and to have trust and confidence in the people around her at this special time. We also strive to promote a positive working relationship with our midwifery and medical colleagues. 


The aim of the DOSA Doula is to provide gentle and caring support, information and companionship to birthing mothers and their families during the pregnancy, labour, birthing and post partum processes. Some doulas specialise in providing assistance during pregnancy and birth, others work in the postpartum period to assist new mothers, others specialize in bereavement and some do a combination of both.  We also have adoption doulas. Whatever our clients’ circumstances or birth wishes, DOSA doulas are with our clients every step of the way providing continuous support and encouragement, assisting them to have the very best birth possible.  Thanks to DOSA pioneers like Rosalia Pihlajasaari, Elizabeth Friedman, Tertia Alkema, Michelle Walton, Sally Baker and Erin Van Der Vyver a solid foundation has been laid for other doulas in South Africa. We thank them!






  • To encourage mutual respect amongst support professionals and medical professionals, all working together as colleagues to give the best care for families.

  • To ensure that every DOSA doula working in South Africa has the support and resources needed to be recognized as an integrated professional and have a sustainable career.

  • To EMPOWER doulas to run profitable and efficient business, ensuring longevity of the doula profession and exceptional service levels to clients.





DOSA promotes the profession of the doula in South Africa. We are committed to the growth of the profession and support doulas in the provision of optimal maternal care that is responsive to the needs of women and their infants. The mission of DOSA is to serve as a unifying, inclusive, countrywide professional organization for all doulas, providing support and resources for doulas as well as promoting public education and advocacy on the benefits of doula care.


As an organisation we want to promote, develop and support doulas and the doula profession.

© 2019  Copyright Notice:   All rights, including copyright, in the content of these web pages are owned or controlled by nicci.doula.  
The materials contained in this site are protected by copyright under the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Contact us for more information

Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

(Electronically at all hours)


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