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We are very excited to offer you the opportunity to join Doulas Of South Africa. All you need to do is to fill out the Application Form and attach your supporting documentation. Student doulas welcome!
You have the following wonderful benefits as a DOSA Doula:
You receive a certificate of membership and with that, the right to call yourself a DOSA-approved doula
The right to use the DOSA logo
Highlighted Listing on DOSA website as DOSA approved Doula
Claim through certain Medical Aids for doula services rendered. You also get a practice number to claim
Doula Business E-Pack: Starting/ Expanding your business
Electronic support to all Members
Business Advisory support to all Members
Social Media exposure
DOSA Branding
DOSA Doula branded Gift Certificates for clients
A pair of scrubs at a reduced rate if required
Access to a qualified traumatologist for yourself and your clients at a reduced rate
Exclusive Bereavement assistance
Events and ongoing training opportunities
Lucky draws, product samples and competitions for DOSA members only!
Once your membership have been approved, the membership fee* is payable immediately. You will be furnished with a unique DOSA Doula Membership Number - please ensure that you use this number as reference at all times - also when you claim from medical aids. Your details will be available to clients on the DOSA official website immediately and you will also be put on the DOSA database and will be able to claim benefits from participating medical aids. Once payment has been cleared you will be supplied with your official DOSA Business e-Pack that you can use in your practice. You also earn the right to use the credentails "DOSA Accredited Doula" which will indicate to 3rd parties (hospitals, doctors, medical aids etc.) that you are DOSA Accredited. Please note that members cannot claim from medical aids as or call themselves DOSA Doulas if they are not active, paid-up members of DOSA.
For a minimal amount you are offered a host of benefits and the exclusive right to call yourself a DOSA Accredited Doula (if you meet the minimum requirements)
Exactly the same benefits apply plus you will get a reduced membership fee*, mentoring, guidance and debriefing as well as assistance with practical training.
Reduced membership fee
Mentoring & guidance
Highlighted Listing on DOSA website as DOSA student Doula
Electronic support to all Members
Doula Gift Certificates
Events and ongoing training opportunities
For a minimal amount you are offered a host of benefits and the exclusive right to call yourself a DOSA Student Doula (if you meet the minimum requirements).
*Please note that membership fees are non-refundable.
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